Advance instructions
Advance instructions 19.2.2016 PDF LOADS FROM THIS Advance instructions
Paloaukea-Talvijotos 2016
- Gathering and registration
The competition office at Jotos center is open on Friday 4.3.2016 from 19:00 to 21:00, and on Saturday 5.3.2016 starting at 6:00. Competitors check themselves in at the competition office, where next items will be handed over to them:
- Race Instructions
- Pre ordered Finnish Defense Forces equipment
- Skis with their bandages
- Ski poles
- Rubber boots with their felt linings
- Snow suite
- Other material for the Jotos
Patrols must check themselves in at the latest forty five minutes (45 min) before the time given at the start list.
The address of the race center is: School of Ylämylly /Paloaukea unit, Patteristontie 12 E, 80400 YLÄMYLLY. Guidance is arranged by signs from Ylämylly to the race center. Parking is guided to the school unit’s parking place, and the walking distance to the competition office is round about 300 meters. Parking place is not guarded, so the organizer is not responsible of any items or equipment held in cars. The patrol may leave their personal gear to guarded storage at the competition office.
- The duration and schedule
Friday 4.3
19:00 Competition office opens Jotos center
21:00 Competition office closes
Saturday 5.3
6:00 Competition office opens Jotos center
8:00 1st speech/competition description Jotos center /auditorium
- volunteer for competitors
- patrols 1 to 14
8:30 2nd speech/competition description Jotos center /auditorium
- volunteer for competitors
- patrols 15 and forward
9:00 First patrols takes a start Jotos center /under the start banner
- Patrols will start with 4 minute intervals.
Sunday 6.3
6:00 First patrols takes a start Night break area/ starting point
15:00 Awarding ceremony Jotos center
The first patrol is expected to arrive for the night break about 18:00 at Saturday. Starting times for the Sunday morning will be given for patrols when they arrive to accommodation.
The first patrol is expected to arrive to the goal at Sunday about 11:00, and the last ones at the latest 13:00.
After the competition patrols have a washing facilities and a lunch at Jotos center. The awards are given as soon as the results are counted, at the latest by 15:00.
Cafeteria services are available on Saturday morning at competition office, and on the evening at accommodation.
Both days have a deadline for completing the route, which is indicated on the task list given for patrols at the starting point. Task list is also showing the time when a specific task is open. Possible waiting times at the tasks are noticed while counting the daily total time. Waiting times are registered at the accuracy of one minute.
- The mandatory equipment and accessories
Mandatory equipment
- EMIT-timing chip 3 pc.
- EMIT-tagging is used at patrol navigation. The chip numbers must be informed for the Jotos secretary at the latest 29.2.2016
- EMIT-timing chips can be limitedly rented from the organizer at the price of 10.00 EUR/pc.
- A lost timing chip will be charged 70.00 EUR/pc. To rent an EMIT-chip, you must order it from the Jotos secretary 29.2.2016 at the latest. Payment is delivered by cash while the check in.
- First aid kit
- Food for two days journey
- 4 safety pins for attaching the patrol number to one patrol member
- Rope 3 x 5 meter, minimum strength 8 mm
- Cellphone and a watertight plastic bag for the phone
- Clothing according to the weather circumstances, organizer will deliver pre ordered equipment.
- carrier
- map protection or pocket
- compass
- reflector
- flashlight /headlamp
- note-taking equipment
- knife or robust multitool
- matches / fire making equipment
- cutlery + water bottle (There are a number of water supplement points)
- spare clothing
Patrol must keep mandatory equipment with them all the time (According to extra tasks, a special instructions will be given on the race instructions)
All electronic devices like cellphones, GPS, tablets etc. are allowed during transitions, and using recording devices (cameras, GoPro:s etc.) are allowed while completing tasks if recording is not specifically prohibited.
- Competitors and support members accommodation and dining
Cafeteria services are available for competitors, support and staff members on Saturday morning at competition office, and on the evening at the accommodation. On Sunday, a lunch is served for competitors at the Jotos center.
Organizer does not have an opportunity to arrange accommodation for support team members to the night between Saturday and Sunday.
Organizer have reserved Finnish Defense Forces half-platoon tents, sleeping bags and mats for the night break accommodation. Using own sleeping bags in FDF tents is not allowed. If someone is willing to sleep in own accommodation, it is allowed, but then the competitor must take care of all accommodation equipment for whole competition.
- Insurance
Insurance coverage shall take effect when the patrol and its participants have registered at the competition office. Competitors are responsible for their own insurance coverage when traveling to and leaving the competition site. Insurance does not cover or replace breaking or loss of personal material during the competition.
- Moving at competition terrain
Patrols must respect the nature while traveling through the terrain: do not throw traches into the nature or harm the vegetation. Litter reception points are located at every task point. Making a fire is allowed only at places specified by organizer. Forbidden areas marked on the map must be strictly observed, and vertical cross-hatching with purple markings is a warning of thin ice. Highly prohibited things are going to the courtyards, movement of supporting members at the competition terrain, and advance intelligence of competition terrain. The main roads and railway are marked prohibited, even crossing them is prohibited. Organizer may provide additional rules or guidelines for patrol during the competition.
- Rules:
During the competition the following rules take effect. You may read them from the website
- Awards:
Race series: (Award for every patrol member)
1st Prize
- Kupilka Knife LC 850 in a wooden box
- Nitecore EA41 flashlight, donor Inttistore
- Resul – medal, golden
2nd prize
- Kupilka Knife MC 650 in a wooden box
- Nitecore EA41 flashlight, donor Inttistore
- Resul – medal, silver
3rd prize
- Kupilka GiftBox Max.(includes Kupilka 21+55+cutlery set) color: deadwood
- Nitecore EA41 flashlight, donor Inttistore
- Resul – medal, bronze
In addition all the competitors receive:
- Genuine rye bread, donor Liperi municipality
- MPK course certificate
Between all the competitors and staff members will be raffled following products donated by Normark Suomi Oy :
- Peltonen Step 250 cross country/forest skis, 1 pcs, value 299,00 EUR
- Rex R3 race poles, 2 pairs, value 119,00 EUR/pair
- Rex 797 Thermo drink belt , 4 pcs, value 34,90EUR/pcs
- Rex 792 Aquapack, 4 pcs, value 39,90EUR/pcs
- Rex 747 waxing iron 1200W, 4 pcs, value 109,00EUR/pcs
- Rex 761 tube scarf, 20 pcs, value 12,90EUR/pcs
Total value of the prizes is over 1500 euros!!
- Contacts and enquiries
Event Leader Jussi Hirvonen, gsm. 050-5843984, e-mail [email protected]
Secretary Marko Halonen, gsm. 0500-181450, e-mail [email protected]
Web pages:
Welcome to Talvijotos to North-Karelia