This safety instruction is to be complied in Reserviläisurheiluliitto’s Talvijotos 4.-6.3.2016.
This instruction will be complemented if necessary in Jotos instructions of other material shared to contestants.
Every participant must know the contents of safety instruction and follow it. In addition contestants must obey the Finnish Defense Forces safety instructions and instructions and orders given by the supervisors of this event.
Event leader (MPK ; The National Defense Training Association of Finland) is Jussi Hirvonen.
Safety supervisor (MPK) is Mauri Nissinen.
Every group, patrol and single person (MPK) is responsible of the condition and safety of their own gear. The personnel of this event are allowed to handle only such equipment that they are trained for.
Using your own civilian gear in this event is allowed.
Every unit attending to this event must have a leader who is responsible of his unit’s movement and will make sure that safety instructions are followed. Every patrol attending to competition must have a patrol leader.
In task points there is a task supervisor who is responsible to follow the instructions of this event. They are also responsible of safety in the task point.
The event supervision has a list of all personnel attending to the event.
Task personnel and patrols will move from one task point to another independently. The patrol leader must report his patrol to the task personnel before starting the task. Report must include the patrol number and if all patrol members are on the spot. Next patrol is not allowed to attend to the task before invitation.
When leaving the event the event supervision must be informed. Patrols are not allowed to leave the competition area without event supervisor’s permission.
If needed, you must be prepared to give a list of personnel leaving the area
Command to stop all activity is STOP
Signal is used to stop activity and to stop potentially dangerous or dangerous actions. Action will continue at task supervisor’s say so.
Every person attending to this event is responsible to report potential threat and interrupt activity by commanding “STOP”
MPK is responsible of safety of guns and other ordnance used in this event.
The Finnish Defense Forces will place a supervisor to oversee the usage of their firearms and other material.
Using physical force is not allowed in this event. In any possible disorder situation police and/or military police patrol must be called on site.
During this event all traffic rules must be obeyed and current weather must be noticed while driving. Roads are very curvy and narrow so special caution must be complied on oncoming traffic. Every unit or single vehicle must have a leader with working communication device and necessary contacts. Batteries on mobile devices must be checked and charged when necessary. Reversing a car without help is not allowed.
In case of accident one must call Emergency center (112) and to event supervision.
In the map has been marked all the roads that contestants are not allowed during the event.
Crossing some specifically marked roads and railroads is forbidden during the event. These roads and railroads can be bypassed using an underpass. During twilight and dark all patrol members must use a reflector when moving along roads.
Accidents can be divided roughly in two groups: “firearm and other ordnance related accidents” and “other accidents”. In “other accidents” is included e.g. injuries caused by stumbling, injuries caused by sharp objects, cars or water related incidents. Consequences from “other accidents” are considered minor when proper care and attention is used. The supervision of this event underlines the importance of patience and consideration. If any foul actions are detected they will be intervened immediately. Everyone attending to this event has a responsibility to intervene to foul action.
Handling firearms and other ordnances includes e.g. following accident possibilities:
- Eye damage; Cause: faulty placing during shooting
- Shot injury; Cause: faulty firearm handling/ faulty placing during shooting
- Other injuries; Cause: firearm dysfunction caused by foreign object in barrel
Risk factor is kept low with following actions:
- Repeating safety regulations before action and supervising compliance of the regulations during shooting
- Injuries caused by firearms will be prevented in addition of aforesaid actions by:
- Underlining everyone’s responsibility to command STOP if any irrelevant activity is detected in the target area of shooting range.
- Requiring that magazine is not attached to a firearm all the time unless shooting director has ordered so.
- Requiring that firearms are not touched if there are any persons in target area.
- Placing enough overseers behind shooters to prevent any accidents caused by negligence or other reasons.
- Repeating all commands used before shooting and supervising the compliance during shooting.
- In addition:
- Firearms are not left without supervision in any conditions. When going to target area bolts are left open, safety is toggled and magazines are removed.
A supervisor is set without exception for ammunition to prevent the ammunition falling into the wrong hands as well as keeping track of it (shot, shared, remaining). The ammunition count must be up to date all the time.
Waters crossing over the ice is instructed in accordance with the competition days’ ice conditions. If necessary the strength of ice is checked by drillings the day before the competition. Any avoidable objects are marked in the maps if necessary.
In every room where personnel is accommodating must have a working smoke detector. Everyone attending to the event must know where fire-extinguishing equipment and emergency exits are located. Hallways must be kept clear so passage is certainly unobstructed. Doors and windows that are used as emergency exits must be easily accessible. Rallying point is determined by the supervision of the event. In possible fire situation unit leaders are responsible that the location of every member of their unit is known. Any person that still might be in dangerous building must be reported to the supervision of the event.
When accommodating in a tent:
- Tent must be firmly and correctly set up, hood pulled in and attached to mid-pole.
- The stove must be firmly placed on the ground and smokestack must be unbroken and long enough.
- Own sleeping bags are not allowed in provided tents.
- No trash is allowed near the stove.
- The lantern in the tent must be hung so that it can’t fall. Also the lantern must be attached so that it can be quickly and easily removed outside the tent. Placing must be so that the stove’s heat won’t ignite the lantern’s oil.
- At all times when the stove and/or the lantern is on, someone must be awake in the tent guarding the fire. Extinguishing water must be at hand.
- There must be a list of fireguards in two sets; one in the tent and other under management of event supervisor.
In this event the task supervisors are responsible that his unit is capable to give first aid in case of sudden injury e.g. stumbling, bout of illness etc.) and calling in help and report to the event supervision. Everyone attending to this event must know where to find help in case of an accident or bout of illness.
Every task point must be planned so that possible accident/disaster can be limited as minor as possible and that action can be continued even after accident/disaster
The spokesman is district manager Kimmo Salo (MPK).
In this event every task supervisor and patrol leader has a responsibility to inform the event supervision of any possible accidents or close calls.
Event’s rescue points (using WGS84) are told in Race instructions
Emergency number 112
North-Karelia hospital 013 – 1711
Event leader / MPK Jussi Hirvonen 050-58443984
Safety supervisor / MPK Mauri Nissinen 0500-225350